Get registered now so you can vote in November.

Let America Vote
Let America Vote
Published in
2 min readSep 27, 2018


It’s crunch time for voter registration.

This past Tuesday was National Voter Registration Day, when leaders, activists and volunteers around the country led registration drives and raised awareness about the need to get registered in order to vote this November.

Now, registration deadlines are looming all over the country.

Visit to check your registration status and get registered if you’re not already.

Here at Let America Vote, we’re getting the word out and doing our part to get new voters ready to vote. Our field teams spent Tuesday registering voters. Our celebrity friends helped us raise awareness. We’ve partnered with 21 mayors on our Cap, Gown, Vote! initiative, which provides an easy-to-use tool for high-school students to help their students get registered. And, of course, we’ll be knocking doors on behalf of voting-rights champions every day until Election Day.

Here’s a recap from a busy National Voter Registration Day, where Let America Vote’s pro-democracy message was heard from Long Beach to Des Moines to Atlanta, and many places in between.

If you’re reading this, you’re probably already registered. Make sure your friends and family are, too.

We’ve endorsed voting-rights champions all over the country. No surprise that they want every eligible American registered and voting this year.

We’ve partnered with 21 mayors on Cap, Gown, Vote!, and many of them held registration events on Tuesday.

CGV mayors know your vote is your voice, and you can’t use it unless you’re registered.

If George Takei and Mandy Moore are telling you to get registered — you better get registered.



Voter suppression laws are spreading. If we don’t fight back, more and more Americans will be disenfranchised. A Jason Kander project.